change is good and as some say "the only constant" so i thought that i would show some new things that are changing the way that i look at things. first off i would like to add that i am using a better machine that is helping me complete my schooling, blog, and future endeavors. i am the proud owner of a macbook. i am happy and i am also very thankful that i have had the opportunity to use this new computer to get school work done. second, i am living in a new place called pioneer. i have a very large room and i even have a sink in my room, kinda random but i love it. thirdly, the new semester starts with new classes and new opportunities to learn about subjects. the following is a photo essay about these new changes:
I'm shocked!!! you're lime green sheets are gone?
cool house but....
even cooler computer!!!!
Have you ever considered urinating in that sink if you have to go real bad?
Thanks for coming to my wedding two years ago. Any time you are ever near Rexburg you can stay at my place.
I gotta come visit you. I yearn for your presence.
I found your blog! I'm glad I have another one to read.
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